United Nations Disarmament Exhibit
The UN Disarmament Exhibit is on permanent display outside the United Nations General Assembly hall. The exhibit is part of the regular UN tour route and uses photographs and artifacts to explore issues surrounding nuclear, conventional and chemical weaponry.
e Motion Pictures
e motion Pictures was a traveling exhibit sponsored by the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons. I designed the installation at the United Nations main exhibition hall; this unusual exhibit featured an interesting and eclectic collection of painting, sculpture and other media by doctors and patients on the subject of joint pain and function.
UN High Commissioner for Refugees Exhibit
The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) sponsored this large exhibit, which occupied the visitors' entry hall at the United Nations. Central to the exhibit was the installation of an actual UNHCR tent and its accompanying furnishings and supplies. Informational panels told the story of the refugee problem and process, and children's art from refugee camps around the world was also on display. The exhibit was later redesigned for a second installation at Ellis Island for World Refugee Day, with a scale model maquette standing in for the tent itself.
Catskill Fly Tying: The Art of Artifice
"The Art of Artifice" features macro photography of over 60 fishing flies, tied by master fly tyers of the Catskills and surrounding regions, and explores the artistry behind the "Catskill Style" and the making of beautiful objects, both functional and artistic, by hand. Initially shown at the Byrdcliffe Guild gallery in Woodstock, NY, the exhibit was subsequently hosted by the Catskill Fly Fishing Center and Museum, where the photographic prints were hung on the museum's collection of antique doors. Most recently, the exhibit was hosted by the Catskill Center for Conservation and Development.